Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5 Task of "violence in the workplace"

   Good morning everybody,

Yesterday, we talked about domestic violence and violence against women. Today, I want you to think about violence and harassment in workplace. Skim through this link and then answer the following tasks.

Task 1:
Think of a definition of violence in workplace. Does violence occur in workplace? Does it always have to be from your boss? How can you describe it? How does it happen? Why do you think it happen?

Task 2:
List four or more things, actions, attitude, or behaviours that can be considered violence at workplace.

Task 3:
What is/are the best action(s) in your opinion to deal with that kind of violence or harassment?

Task 4:
If you were to advise a friend or a family member who has just joined new workplace or school to be aware of violence at workplace, what would you say to him or to her?
    1 Violence in the workplace isn't only as a physical assault,that include words,gesture,bullying and so on any inappropriate activities.
   2 (1)some collages order other to do extra works.
      (2)some people sneer women don't have enough energy
      (3)nasty prank
      (4)sexual harassment
   3 Very strong say "NO"
   4  Be nice with your new collages(classmate).Whatever,don't be silence,don't be afraid when you are aware of any violence. There are a lots of people can help you,such as social worker,labor union,lawyer.

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