Friday, December 9, 2016

Dec 9 task from suki

My dear future son:
       I will already be a old lady when you go into the love age.
       You were a very lovely boy, you come to door to greet me every night, I usually fantasy about your look in the future. One day in the future, you fall in love with a girl, and that distress you. I just want to tell you ”action speaks louder than words”. Go for it, quickly. Make a date with her. Bring you money and pay for popcorn in the cinema. Praising her new skirt, kissing her cheeks. Don’t say “I love you. I miss you solely. Wiping her tears, touching her hairs. Taking an umbrella when she need. These are your dad did.
      Once, your dad bought a sandwich and delivery it for me from distance, when I am having a perm. It was when I decided to marry him.
     I hope you find a right girl, you should be nice to her, date, marry, and happiness will always with you.
     I write this letter when you are 3 years old.

                                                                       Love you mother

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