Friday, October 28, 2016


    First,I have to say,I love this class too much. Your style is suit me, I like you increasingly.But why let me go?oh,sad~~Somebody called coffee boy,we didn't  like until leaving.I prepare a bottle of sugar for 6 months in the class,I did it in vain.The best friends must part.
    It's a wonderful experience for me.We had a lot of field trip,I got some utility sentences from you.and you always shared foods with us.You made various learning stuff diligently.As you know,I really "enjoy" your little paper.You gave us a perfect setting to studding .
    finally,I want to say,thank you for all the things that you did.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Suki, for the undeservedly kind comments! Of course, you should move on up with the progress you have made in Level 4-5, and you're welcome to bring the sugar at break and lunch times to have with the coffee. Thank you for your part in making the class a warm and welcoming place for all! :) If you'd like to put your comments in the Testimonials/Alumni section, please feel free to do so.
