Tuesday, July 26, 2016

  1. Identify the tenses used in the chairman’s message.
  2. Then identify 10 useful adjectives.
  3. Click on all the links at the site and tell a partner what the top three things are that you’d like to do there.
  4. Under Comments below, list your proposed field trip itinerary for Friday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

1. present perfect continuous
2.present simple
3.present continuous
4.future simple
5.past perfect simple

1 largest
5  proud

1  I want to ride my daugher and mum, go to there together.
2  I'd like to taste various foods.
3  I will take a lot of picture, foods and classmate.

1 Attend some local activity ,it will be good for us. The cooking culture is a important part of canadian culture.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work! Did you check it with the editing checklist and a partner?
    Keep it up! :)
